fall hard-shout out louds


Dear lovely readers,
my life is a mess cause I just found out, I am an expert on giving love advices to others while I keep stamping on my own heart. I keep doing the same old stupid mistake; giving out love to someone who in the end didn't care that much. And I am sure, while you are going down with these silly lines you are saying to yourself "alright, there's another boring girl, who says the same". I should assure you that I am saying the same when I hear that stupid line too!
And now comes the big question: Why do boys prove to be so indescribably STUPID in the end? WHY WHY WHY? The one day you think you're absolutely in love and the other you feel so broken hearted that you wanna sink inside the ice cream you just bought. (OK the family one, yes the one with the extra caramel syrup-but that makes no difference in your already pathetic life).
Everyone is breaking up, everyone is finding new boyfriends. But what about us, who have been stuck in the middle? Neither in a relationship, nor single. We are trapped in the stupid reality of "no-labels-relationships". I feel like stuffing my mouth with donuts and big chocolates. Its normal, I guess. These are the true friends that are going to stay by you in endless cry-nights! I hate being like this. I hate seeing my inbox stuck in zero. But I am sure that I'll keep doing the same mistake, over and over again until I'm left with no hopes 'n dreams. Nah, I am kidding emo doesn't suit me! I am girl who needs romance, cupcakes and pink in her life!
What I need right now is to gather myself up, go shopping with bfs, eat ice-cream, watch romantic movies, read Joanna's blog and cry in bits. In a week or two everything will be back to normal! And you know what? Everyone needs to be shaken up a little bit, just like a strawberry milkshake. This way, we'll understand our purpose in life, appreciate what we already have and more importantly learn from our mistakes.
post inspired by Clemmie and Jeanne
xoxo mon petits friends!


  1. would you believe it if i tell you that i feel exactly the same? i dont think this kind of thinking is boring. boring is when you change boyfriends one after another. i've never had a "proper" relatioship so far but i realised it is pointless to cry over your half eaten donut.

    love the first photo

    Μαr Φ

  2. hahah nice post and got me thinking to the core. guys r so difficult to understand.


  3. this is such a lovely post.

    i hope things shape up for you soon,

  4. i was in the same situation 2 weeks ago. guys are stupid. all of them. so you have to find the one who is less stupid than the others ;)
    Everything's gonna be OK.
    afterall you're a woman
    and women can do everything :)
    bisous ma chère

  5. i was in the same situation 2 weeks ago. guys are stupid. all of them. so you have to find the one who is less stupid than the others ;)
    Everything's gonna be OK.
    afterall you're a woman
    and women can do everything :)
    bisous ma chère

  6. What an amazingly positive outlook to have! Although I'm sorry that some silly boy is being mean to you, it's so refreshing to see someone say that they will overcome it! It's definitely understandable to be sad and feel blue and eat your comfort foods, but I rarely hear girls who are ready to get back out there after a bit of relaxing and comforting! I hope everything gets much much happier for you soon, lovely!

  7. u have an award on my blog (:


  8. there will be a day when you'll understand that actually guys are pretty much the easiest to understand..
    what complicates things is usually our (the girls') minds..

    When you reach that point though, you'll look back at all these days/months/years you've spent dealing with boys that weren't worth it, and you'll smile nostalgically..
    we all need to go through that, to come out of it wiser! q;

    You couldn't sum it up better than you did in your last sentence!


  9. Well, it is really awful, as you say. Stuck in the middle: neither in a relationship, nor single. And when I read those lines I did not say you are just another girl. Because then I'm just another girl, too.

  10. R k egw stanaxwrithika p dn irtha alla t apgeuma ipoti8ete oti eixa fronistirio ritorika alla piga k m eipan oti allaxe t programa k t proi dn m afine r h mama m....:(
    Avrio malon 8 pame m t koritsia st kedro 8 er8eis???

  11. So cute post!!
    Things will be better soon..
    Just believe it!
    Life proved me that you will never get anything if you chase it so much!

    PS: The photos are.... delicious! :p


  12. Learing by your mistakes is most definately the best way to learn! you feel stupid at the time but then in a few years time youll look back and think - pah! how daft was i?!
    itll aaall be fine in the end!
    very very pretty blog - love the pics down the right side!

  13. Big Huge to you, men can be very strange
    love your blog & photos
    ema x

  14. fab post:)...messy love, and gorgeous photos! also love your header, that song is amazing


  15. hey Annie thanx gia to comment!!
    piges sto bazaar, thesniki den eisai esu?
    an oxi na pas opwsdipote!
    vlepw ananewses tis fwtos su!!!
    looove them!

    ps: prepei na vgalw kai ta apwthimena mu omws gia auto exw na sxoliasw ... ma kala oli i thesniki itan parisi to pasxa kai ligo meta??

  16. Heyyyy,just found your blog,it's AMAZING!!!!!!!!!and I loved this post!wow!!!!!keep on rockin'!


  17. Hola Annie
    egw nomiza eisai foititria!!
    Mallon apo tu xronou , e?
    Kali tuxi fetos an dineis!

    Lopoin tha su pw osa magazakia xerw!!
    apla den katalava akrivws ti stul ennoeis?na einai pio cute i pio romantica as poume!
    tha su kanw mia lista ok?

  18. oh my!Am I too mean or you feel better too when you know that you're not the only one feeling like this?Well,I do.
    And you know what?I can send you an e-mail,so your inbox won't stuck in zero,if you want!

    Thaaanks so much for you comment.I'm following your awsome blog too!

  19. Boyfriend replacement, such a good found name!

  20. oh i know how you feel!!! i think too many of us get into the same occurances, which completely sucks. sometimes it even makes me wonder if there are decent guys out there...but i know there are. i just dont know WHERE they are....
    ive gone back and forth with a guy that says he loves me, but then shows he doesnt, then wins me back, then breaks my heart again...its a rollercoaster that i wish to get off. instead ive gained like 10 pounds in junk food... so in a pathetic contest...i win!! lol
    hope things start to look up!

  21. you are so sooooooooo right! And it's not just the no-labels relationships but also the ones that he DOES NOTHING!

    I fed up with the 500ml Chocolate, Caramel & pecan from Haagen...


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